How do I cancel an order?
- You can cancel your order online before the product is shipped. Your entire order amount will be refunded. You may drop an email to us or call us. Please cancel within 15 hours of placing the order and before dispatch as we normally dispatch within 24-48 hours of placing the order.
- In case the item you ordered was shipped but has not yet been delivered to you, you may still cancel the order online. Your refund will be processed once we receive the originally ordered item back from the courier. In this case the amount will be refunded to your Account as Credit. The amount can be used to shopping in future only at
- Unfortunately, an order cannot be cancelled once the item has been delivered to you. However, you can always return the product.
In order to cancel an item in your order:
- Drop and email to us on (during working hours 10:30 HRS – 05:30 HRS IST).
- Provide your order details and reason for cancellation.
- Once your cancellation request is created, we will ensure that the cancellation is processed as soon as possible.
**Note: For COD orders please cancel before we dispatch as COD charges are very high. We verify all COD order before dispatching, so you may cancel at that time.
How long will it take to process my cancellation request?
Once you request the cancellation of item(s) in your order, it will take us a maximum of 1-2 business days to cancel the order and initiate a refund. You will be notified of the same by email.
If the Order Status shows the item(s) in your order as ‘Shipped’, we will process your cancellation request directly with our logistics partner. Your refund will be processed soon after we receive the cancelled items back from the courier.
In case you want refund in your Account as Credit. The refunded amount will be made available immediately.
However, if you opt for having the money transferred back to the source of transaction, it may take up to 7-10 business days for the respective banks to process the refund. Please get in touch with the banks directly in case of any delays post confirmation of cancellation/refund by
What are the modes of refund available after cancellation?
In order to confirm cancellation of item(s) in your order, you need to indicate your refund preference.
There are two modes of refund:
- Account as Credit – If you choose this option, the amount will be added to your Account as Credit in ‘Credit Account’ section of your account.
- Back to Source – In this case, the money will be refunded back to the payment mode/account that was originally used to make the transaction.
- for Prepaid order: part of the to & from shipping fee will be refunded to Credit i.e. Rs.100. Rest of the order value will be refunded to source account.
- for COD orders: all cash on delivery orders are refunded to Credits account.
- for Prepaid order: part of the to & from shipping fee will be refunded to Credit i.e. Rs.100. Rest of the order value will be refunded to source account.
Refund Policy
Under what conditions refund is processed?
- When item(s) in the order are returned, the amount equivalent to returned item(s) is refunded to Account as Credit.
- When the order is cancelled before dispatch, the amount of the order is refunded to the refund preference.
- When the order is cancelled after dispatch, the amount is refunded to the Account as Credit.
- If customer has returned the product using reverse pickup facility then the refund is processed to Account as Credit only. Any special request will be processed after approval from management and minimum reverse pickup charges will be applicable.
- Return related refunds can be requested between 15 days of receiving the product by customer. Beyond this period the refund will fall in special case scenario and would require management approval.
You may always mail us on for help with an issue.